We invite you to explore the possibilities of joining our wonderful organization. We are a working organization. Each executive member pledges a minimum of 50 hours of on-site help per year, constructing, costuming and carrying out the magic of this ongoing extravaganza. The Candle Lighters raises donatable dollars solely through our annual Ghost House. Open during the last two weeks of October, the Ghost House is an evolving family oriented event. Using a different theme each year, Candle Lighter members, families, sponsors and friends transform the site into an arena of goblins, ghosts, witches and warlock, providing fun for the community.
It is also a great opportunity to meet and make new friends while helping the community that we all live in.
Prospective members must work a minimum of 20 hours on-site to be considered for membership the following year. You will need to arrange for two Candle Lighters to sponsor you and sign your petition for membership and that can be done while you are putting in your 20 required work hours. If you are interested in becoming a member of The Candle Lighters, please contact us.